Thursday, December 5, 2013


We workout, we pick up heavy things and put them down in the name of being healthier, stronger. In between the monotony of picking up and putting down where in there do we consciously choose to put them down? When the weight is too much to hold anymore?

What about if we forget about physical weight and think about mental weight, spiritual weight? Is that the same concept? It makes us stronger, but we can't carry it long, we have to put it down to let our muscles heal, rebuild. So here the same concept is revealed; these struggles make us stronger but we have to let them go, we have to put them on the rack. God is our trainer, he knows when we've had enough.


Wrinkles are such a beautiful thing, are they not? They show years of hard work, they show years of wisdom, but you know what my favorite thing is that they show? Laughter. In a person's wrinkles, you can see a smile, even when they are not smiling. Wrinkles are often viewed as unwanted, and a bad thing, however, I view them as precious jewels.

You see on some faces the absence of laugh lines, of concern wrinkles.... And that leaves you, or at least me, to believe they are stoic and emotionless. Wrinkles are such beautiful prizes earned in a lifelong process of laughter and concern, so why do we view them as a bad thing? Oh how beautiful it is to wear the jewel of time upon your face! A privilege denied to many individuals whom shall never have the opportunity to reach such a lovely place in life.