Friday, February 21, 2014

Familiarity: Prayer

 I wish to combat the belittlement, the forgotten, and the underestimated and underused power of prayer.

Prayer is quite possibly the one single greatest gift God has given us. Maybe you disagree, maybe you say eternal life is a greater gift, but no, I am sticking strongly to the principle that prayer is the greatest gift we have received from our father in heaven. We forget the wonder, the crazy idea that we have 24/7 access to the creator, the lover, the savior of our souls. We forget that God is the single most important individual in our lives. We forget how incredibly crazy it is that we have a chance, an opportunity, a gift, to not only wonder about our future, to contemplate our decisions, but we have chance to consult one who has the power to see the future, who loves us with an undeniably crazy love, who works all things out for good for those who love him. We forget that not only do we have the chance to talk to him on occasion, but our access and conversations with him can be never ending. Truly, this is a gift beyond all other. The one who has the power to do anything and everything, we have access to in an unfathomable way. What did you do last time you were in a situation that you had no clue how to deal with? You probably contacted an individual you trusted and knew they had good advice, no? So, fathom this, you have access to wisest, most trustworthy and understanding individual who ever existed. His “foolishness” is wiser than the wisest human who ever existed, do you understand? You have unfiltered access to the single wisest individual who will ever exist. He’s even wiser than Google! So how does that make you feel? I really hope that blows you away, because it sure blows me away! Prayer is a gift we take for granted. Prayer: It changes things.

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