Sunday, April 27, 2014

When God's Plans are not as Important as Our Own

"Please turn off all cell phones during the test, if your cell phone rings you will be asked to leave the testing facility." I reached down into my backpack and turned off my cell phone then settled back into my chair to begin the test. I completed the first round of testing, and then the second, I was halfway through the third round of testing when, in a moment that sinks my stomach simply thinking about it, my cell phone rang. Looking back at it, I should have seen it coming. After all, my phone had been malfunctioning and doing funky stuff all week, I just never imagined that it would decide to do it in this moment. I felt my heart drop, my shaking hands turned off the alarm as I looked up with wide eyes at the supervisor. "Please leave." he said simply, I fought back tears as I gathered my belongings and walked out of the room. When I got into the car the tears I fought to contain burst and wouldn't stop. I went home and immediately called my friend who comforted me as I sobbed uncontrollably.
It is not even a week later, the wound is still fresh in some ways, however, the lesson is still in my head as well. The Lord has a way of showing us that his plan is greater than our own. I sat in church that evening and the pastor was speaking about when "God interrupts your life" and I sat in the chair and I laughed to myself. I laughed that I had been foolish enough to attempt to make God do as I asked, I laughed that I had tried to make God fit into my life, instead of making my life fit into God's plan.
I opened my hands and said "Take it, God, take my plans, I trust you." and now, I find peace. As my pastor concluded his message, he left me with a thought, "When your plans are more important than God's plans, you are not in the center of God's will."

Are you in the center of God's will?

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