Monday, May 12, 2014

Part 7: Sincerity (familiarity series)

The next principle that is so very detrimental in our Christianity is sincerity. Sincerity of heart is something a lot of Christians don’t have, and, admittedly, my familiarity of Christianity seems to chafe off my sincerity and replaces it with obligation. When you worship with music, is it simply words on the page you are singing? Is your Bible time just another check to complete on your task list? Where is the sincerity? One second we bow before Christ saying we are the dust of the earth and but a worm of filth, and the next we are broken because nobody likes us and we ever strive for this to be true. We tell Christ “we surrender all” and we still horde corners of our hearts for our own individual lusts and fulfilments. This is not sincerity; this is trying to please God and man as well as yourself. Do you sincerely spend time with God, or is God just something you use to impress others? Do you worship Christ with your doors closed as an act of worship between you and him, or do you do it in a flaunting obnoxious manner to impress those around you with your “sincerity” or as I say, “sincere insincerity?” Our familiarity with Christ sometimes leaves us with insincere hearts, and insincerity accomplishes most nothing for God’s work on earth.

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